20 Dec Covid Era
Having entered a new era due to Covid-19 circumstances partners managed to deal effectively with the problems that came up because of the global pandemic. Problems such as cancelation of transnational meetings or local workshop were only a few of the difficulties partners had to work on and discover efficient approaches that on the one hand would apply on all partner countries and on the other hand would not affect the project’s high impact to the least.
Unfortunately, one of our partners due to the Covid-19 could not follow up the project and another partner became responsible for its tasks.
Nevertheless, despite all adversities we have continued to work and develop our strategy online adapting to all the challenges. Our regular online meetings help us to organize our work and obligations better and to keep up with our schedule as planned. The learning and training activities have been postponed for the moment, until the situation with the corona virus permits us to travel safely and meet again in person. We have already conducted the first and second topics of each one’s task and we have exchanged and evaluated it online.
Although COVID-19 has hampered our efforts to complete our Train-The-Trainers trainings throughout this almost one-year period we have managed to complete our modules successfully.
The modules which have been completed are:
– Module 1: Meritum Style, Language Cafe and Tandem
Fundacja Ad Meritum, Poland
– Module 2: Cyber Café Active Citizens Partnership,
– Module 3: How to deal with traumatic situations of the
learners Second Chance School of Mytilene, Greece
– Module 4: Awareness of cultural differences in trainer
work with immigrants Active Citizens Partnership,
– Module 5: Socio-economic environment and
intercultural mediation in the competence areas of the trainers Fundación Universitat Jaume I-Empresa, Spain

So far, a total amount of 4 topics per partners have been developed (a total of 40h of training).
The fifth topic is under construction by partners and soon all material will be ready. Hoping COVID-19 situation to ameliorate all over the world, so we can have a chance to test our materials in face-toface modules. Otherwise, we are planning to transfer our online trainings into the digital world!
Next steps still under the Covid-19 era!
It is foreseen that by the end of the year no meetings face-to-face will take place. Yet thanks to the power of technology, we are not planning to stay behind on the delivery of our outputs. Internet platforms, emails, online conferences, and any other kind of technological tools will be in our disposal to disseminate as successful and on-time the project as possible.
Undoubtedly, face-to-face meetings – either national or transnational- are preferable in many respects yet what project’s partners have been taught through this peculiar situation the whole world is going through is that the effort to thrive and be resilient even in such harsh conditions can yield great outcomes too.
As the project’s consortium we are not planning either to fall behind to any happenings nor this pandemic will cut the road for our project to blossom. Project’s prosperity & the highest possible impact are the only things we do focus on.
To freshen up the memory to the old ones and to inform the newly interested Train the Trainers of Immigrants- funded by Erasmus+ under Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult education- is a project that focuses throughout its two active years on the development and implementation of a training methodology on non-formal learning of languages for immigrants.
During the project’s life cycle there will be developed a series of non-formal learning techniques such as cybercafé, language tandems, and methodologies about dealing with traumatic situations, raise awareness on cultural differences, different socioeconomic environment as well as cultural mediation of immigrants.
Two trainings will be implemented too– a first one in Greece and an advanced one later in Spain.
The partnership of this project is composed by the coordinator of the project Fundacja Ad Meritum (Poland), Jaume I University Business Foundation (Spain), Active Citizens Association (Greece), Second Chance School of Mytilene (Greece).